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greenBOX Unboxed i6: Zero Pressure Calibration


  • Ecogate's greenBOX measures fan total static pressure and filter differential pressure.

  • It uses high-quality Ashcroft pressure transmitters with 4-20 mA output, integrated into the Power Master VFD for easy installation.

  • The greenBOX software simplifies zero pressure calibration, addressing ambient temperature and stability issues.

  • It provides troubleshooting warnings for pressure transmitter problems like negative pressure, disconnected sensors, high pressure, or short circuits.

  • Users can monitor and configure pressure minimums, maximums, warnings, and error levels with greenBOX.

We know time is money, so we're constantly looking for ways to improve the installation process. Every minute saved, no matter how small, contributes to a smoother and faster installation process - which means less production downtime.

- Ecogate R&D Team

Comprehensive Pressure Measurement

Following the principle that "what is not measured cannot be regulated," the Ecogate greenBOX goes beyond measuring just air velocities and volumes. It also measures fan total static pressure, filter differential pressure, and pressure at gates, providing a complete picture of the system's performance.

Accurate Pressure Measurement and Seamless Integration

We use high-quality Ashcroft pressure transmitters with an industry-standard 4-20 mA output to ensure precise measurements. These transmitters connect directly to the Power Master VFD's analog inputs for seamless integration. To save you time and prevent errors during installation, the pressure transmitters come pre-installed, wired, and configured within the Power Master VFD.

Filter and Fan pressure transmitters are connected to the analog Inputs 1 and 2 of Power Master VFD
Filter and Fan pressure transmitters are connected to the analog Inputs 1 and 2 of Power Master VFD

Zero Pressure Calibration: Addressing Ambient and Long-Term Pressure Transmitters Stability Issues

Even when the system is idle and the fan isn't generating pressure, the pressure transmitter might not show an exact zero reading. This discrepancy is typically caused by fluctuations in ambient temperature or inherent limitations in the long-term stability of the pressure transmitter itself. Although Ashcroft pressure transmitters provide a potentiometer for zero adjustment, this manual process can be time-consuming and involves accessing the transmitters within the Power Master unit.

Pressure transmitter reads -0.12"wc while the fan is at STOP
Pressure transmitter reads -0.12"wc while the fan is at STOP

Simplified Zero Offset Adjustment with greenBOX Software

The greenBOX software streamlines the Zero Pressure calibration process, offering a faster and more user-friendly approach.  When the system is at rest, simply press the "CLEAR" button followed by the "SET" button on the greenBOX interface. This action clears any previous values and sets the offset to the current negative pressure, ensuring an accurate zero pressure reading.  This calibration can be performed either directly on the touchscreen or remotely.

To set Zero Offset press the CLEAR button followed by the SET button in the greenBOX user interface
To set Zero Offset press the CLEAR button followed by the SET button in the greenBOX user interface

Troubleshooting and Warnings

The greenBOX software has a built in warning system notifying you of system errors. If the transmitter's output falls outside the expected range, the greenBOX will display clear warnings:

  • Low Value or Sensor Disconnected:  This warning indicates a current below 4 mA, which could suggest either negative pressure or a disconnected sensor

  • High Value or Sensor Short Circuited:  This warning signals a current above 20 mA, which could indicate extremely high pressure or a short circuit in the wiring or sensor itself.

“Low Value or Sensor Disconnected” warning indicates too low pressure or disconnected pressure transmitter
“Low Value or Sensor Disconnected” warning indicates too low pressure or disconnected pressure transmitter

“High Value or Sensor Short Circuited” warning indicates too high pressure or shorted wires or pressure transmitter
“High Value or Sensor Short Circuited” warning indicates too high pressure or shorted wires or pressure transmitter

Additional Monitoring and Configuration

The greenBOX system offers extensive monitoring and configuration options for each pressure transmitter, allowing users to track maximum and minimum pressures, as well as set custom warning and error levels. A detailed exploration of these features will be provided in a separate article focused on the greenBOX system for on-demand industrial ventilation.

Ecogate's Dedication to User Experience

At Ecogate, we are committed to providing a smooth and efficient experience for both installation and operation. Every enhancement and time-saving feature we implement contributes to a seamless and effective system.

Do you have an idea for a new software feature for your greenBOX? Share it with us, and it might be included in a future update.


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